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Breaking news! We follow our student-athletes closely. Here you can read the most important developments in their activities and achievements, but also the personal stories of our talents… and soon perhaps your life-changing story.

Placement Success Stories Talents
Goalgetter Ids Hannema transfers to Wright State
Placement Success Stories Talents
Towson University signs top goalkeeper Tess Okkerse
Placement Success Stories Talents
Berbel Rozema leaves Rotterdam for the adventure in the US
Placement Success Stories Talents
Union University Bulldogs add Maarten Brands to roster
Placement Success Stories Talents
ONU strengthens ‘Dutch’ team with Mike Giannotta
Placement Success Stories Talents
Mark de graaf is a Shawnee State Bear
Placement Success Stories Talents
Goalkeeper Jesse Haak joins Point Park University
Placement Success Stories Talents
Isa Oldekamp reinforces Bryant University midfield
Placement Success Stories Talents
UMass Amherst strengthens team with Vera Heering
Placement Success Stories Talents
Meike Lanckohr signs at Wake Forest
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